Saturday, April 28, 2012

Grad Photos, State Debate, and Mama's Tea....

We had a busy week that flew by as the ladies of the suite prepared to host their mama's at a mother's tea this morning. Planning games, getting seat cards made, and deciding on food items took plenty of planning....
Graduation photos were taken on Monday and will be presented with certificates at graduation in May. The class looked so incredibly mature in their grandiloquent outfits.
The State Forensics Tournament was hosted Friday at Hillcrest High School in Salt Lake, and a huge CONGRATULATIONS goes out to Grace Bailey for earning the high point Lincoln Douglas Debate medal. She made us all so proud!

We worked hard on math and science this week as we prepare for NWEA, and will continue to do so next week. Please be sure your scholar is signing on to the review sites he/she has in their planner and spending at least 15 minutes on math and science review each evening.

The May dates are in their planners and will be on the blog this coming week. They have a book report project coming up, so they should be working on it fairly soon.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend and the photos!

A beautiful morning

All the ladies!

Did they eat too much? :)

Ready for Grad Photos!

Chase and Grace practicing

Most decorated for speaker points!

Oak and Alex going over arguments

Sunday, April 22, 2012


Please remember that graduation photos are being taken Monday morning at 11:00. If you would like your scholar to change out of their graduation clothing, and hang it in his/her locker, please send them with a dress code change of clothing.

Nationals Folks - Meeting at 5:00....Please be there!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Perseverance Pays!

After all the work of collecting, smashing, hauling soda cans, the Sixth Grade Sagacious Scholars were able to see their work come to fruition today as we built and placed the soccer goals for the K - 3rd grade playground. Scholars were thrilled with how big they are and hope that the younger kids will enjoy using them starting Wednesday. :)

As for other academics, we have begun our study of To Kill a Mockingbird, and are into our Industrial Revolution section of History. We will be having a monopoly tournament next week as we study Carnegie and the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. Probably Wednesday scholars will bring in their games and we'll learn the REAL background to the game of Monopoly. We are into a two week study of the ocean floor and plate tectonics and then will move into Newton's laws and physics to prepare for our Lagoon project. Six weeks hardly seems long enough to cram in all we have left to conquer....but we WILL! :)

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Not Only do we Rock....we ROLL!!!!

What a crazy week we had with the culmination of a number of units, AND the assembly that the scholars ran on Friday. I am quite pleased to say that they did a fantastic job of taking over the assembly, playing their parts, and being where they needed to be. Everything went smoothly just in time to head upstairs and enjoy our Immigration Luncheon! Friday morning had us using our geometry and measuring skills to make life size shapes in the cafeteria for the student body, along with perimeter and area true to size :)

We have a number of things that will be on the plate for the rest of April, but for now, let's just enjoy the hard work from last week and take a little "aaahhhhhhh" break! Enjoy your time off, sleep in, eat sweets, and love your families!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Assembly and Immigration Luncheon!

This week is our last week before a much needed break FOR ALL OF US! :) We will be hosting the assembly on Friday and the theme is perseverance. Come and watch your scholars put on an assembly. They will AMAZE you!

Also Friday we will be having lunch together in the suite. Please cancel your lunch order for that day if you purchase lunches. Each scholar is to bring in a sampling for everyone else of a food from their respective heritage. The assignment part is to write out what it is called, the country of origin, and the recipe to share with others.

I will provide the plates, plastic, and napkins. We could use some drinks, or extra water bottles ( I have around 18). This should be an interesting way to learn about our families that immigrated to America and what their traditional foods are like.

Tomorrow is the Lincoln-Douglas competition for those looking to earn a seat at the State Competition. If your child is competing please send them with a second lunch that will act as their dinner. They can eat between rounds. We are hoping to be done by 6:30.

Wednesday after school is the graduation meeting. If you are interesting in working on it, please be here to meet.

Thursday the scholars' research papers are due. They may use the Purdue OWL website to make sure their works cited pages are correct, and their format is correct. They are to have it printed out and ready to hand in Thursday morning. We will also be having our History Test on Thursday to finish up the Immigration unit.

Friday is a science test on the Immunity and Diseases unit we have been studying.

Then it's SPRING BREAK!!!! I will post the April Calendar later this week.