Mrs. Goers is back from New York, and with the wedding of her son behind her, she can now concentrate on things in the classroom more precisely! We are busy making up work that didn't quite get finished last week, and then moving into some new territory!
We are finished with the first three acts of Julius Caesar. We will complete our Act III comprehension questions tomorrow and then take a quiz on Thursday (see dates below). We will then dive into Act IV.
We are completing our history unit on Judaism and Christianity as well. We will be starting Ancient Greece and Rome early next week.
The Children's Homer is being read to us, and we are reading it to each other in Lit Circles. The students reported today on a missing person, and we had a discussion on how long each of them would search for a parent who had gone missing. This is to bring the story of Telemachus to life, as he decides to search for his father Odysseus. Even though the literature is ancient, the life lessons are not!
In Math we are solidifying the procedures of using prime factorization to find the GCF and LCM in a set of numbers. We will be moving in to squares and cubes later this week.
We are talking about refracting and reflecting light in science and will work with some lasers tomorrow to see what we can learn. We are learning about absorption of light energy and have created Electromagnetic Spectrum charts of our own to study for the test.
Important dates:
15th - SHIRT ORDER DUE, Julius Caesar acts 1 - 3 quiz
16th - Vocabulary and spelling tests
19th - PICTURE DAY, Latin quiz
21st - Science Test, Light Energy
23rd - Book Report Projects due, Vocabulary and Spelling tests
26th - History Test
27th - Final Assessment for Julius Caesar
30th - Vocabulary and Spelling tests, first essay due
If anyone is interested in coming in and volunteering for a few hours I can use some help putting up work in the hallway, and making copies. Let me know if you're available. Thanks so much!
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