Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Stash, Stash the GEOCACHE!

GFAROCKS has produced their first geocache as we laid the Cartesian Plane over the property map of GFA. We then had to find the latitude and longitude way points and post them. We had to get special permission to plant a cache on the school property, but it's close enough to the sidewalk that the average cacher will be able to find it. We have also included "Bonehead" a travel bug that will hopefully travel the world out of our cache, and into others.....We haven't registered the cache yet because we still need to do our camo work, but the cache is packed and ready to go! We'll let you cachers know when you can go hunting..... :)

We also graphed constellations today on the Cartesian plane....this graphing work is engaging and interesting. :)

Here is the calendar for March:
7 - Math Test
8 - Science Test, Spelling/vocab tests
9 - UTOPIA DAY!/ Essay due
14 - Utopia project due
15 - Math Test, Spelling/vocab tests
16 - NO SCHOOL (for the scholars anyway...)
19 - Weber State Science Fair
20 - Latin Test
22 - Written Book Reports due
23 - Essay, Spelling/vocab tests
26 - History Test
28 - Math Test

A busy month, but the last FULL month of the entire YEAR! We will be moving quickly to cover our three novels this month, The Hunger Games will be done by the 23rd. We will be starting Animal Farm tomorrow, and we already finished The Giver.

We have begun the Latin American Revolution Unit in History and will be learning all of the Latin American geography in the process. Please encourage your scholars to be studying their maps for even a couple minutes each night. That way they won't be overwhelmed having to learn all of the countries.

We are also working on research papers based on career choices. Thank you to the parents that have already visited us, and to those that are planning on coming in. We appreciate all the outside input we can get!

Research papers will be due on April 5th just prior to our Spring Break! April 6th is the 6th grade assembly based in Perseverance. We are brainstorming on a "wow" factor for the assembly....any ideas? Email them my way and we'll see what we can do!

Have a great evening!

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